Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Christmas Wish

Oh, 2010. What a long, strange trip it's been. I can't say that I'll be sorry to see you go.

This year, more than any others in recent memory, has brought personal tragedy to people I know and love, has brought drastic changes that should never have been, has piled on the stress, insecurity and instability to almost every one I talk to. But...as the saying goes, that which does not kill us, makes us stronger. And strong we are.

This time of year always fills me with hope and faith: Faith in the people of the world to love each other a little deeper. Hope that we have learned something from the previous year to find it within ourselves to carry on and make the world - or our little corner of it - a little bit better. Faith that the new year will bring a fresh start and better things for all. Hope that we realize the gifts that we have been given and not to waste them.

So, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, here is my wish for all of us:
Peace in our hearts, minds and souls. Love that will wrap us in its warmth always. Faith that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and we will bask in that light soon. Happiness in celebrating life's treasures that cannot be bought.

Here's to a wonderful 2011.

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