If you read my post on Friday, you would know that I was a bit torn about going to the Madonna concert this weekend. Well, we decided to go. I mean - it's Madonna, right? So, for those of you who have not had the chance to see her on this tour, I'll save you the suspense. If you are planning to go, and don't want the surprise ruined, turn away my friend - turn away.
The Good:
- SEAT LOCATION: So, the show I attended was at New York's Madison Square Garden. Our seats were decent and conveniently located directly behind the bar. So far so good.
- SONGS: Delivered as expected were a slew of her new songs off Hard Candy which are ok but not spectacular; she did, though, inject new life into favorites like "Vogue", "Into the Grove" and "Ray of Light." I think my favorite was a more spiritual version of "Like a Prayer."
- STAR POWER: Britney's video worked well during one of the songs, as did virtual Kanye West and Justin Timberlake. Pharrell Williams came on stage a few times which added to the cool factor.
- CHOREOGRAPHY: It was all gorgeously choreographed - lights, screen images, dancing. Many times through the night, it felt more like a rave than a concert.
- TENDER MOMENT: Singular. She dedicated "You Must Love Me" to her daughter, Lourdes, who was celebrating her 12th birthday that day.
- AMERICAN THIGHS: Did I mention what excellent shape Madonna's in? If you've seen the photos, you would know how her thighs are cut like stone. All but a few songs were fast, so she was on her feet dancing for the majority of the show. Amazing. I hope I can be in half that shape when I'm 50.
The Bad:
- TIMING. The show was to start at 8 pm. No, no, really - it was. In reality, it didn't start until 9:30 pm. No opening act, which is fine and to be expected. No encore, and it was all done by 11 pm. With all the set/costume changes, we actually waited longer than she performed.
- SET LIST: Her setlist is pretty much identical each show. That's sad. Especially for you suckers who paid to see her at all area shows, no doubt you're seeing the SAME SHOW every time. She has enough material that she could mix it up a bit.
- HIGHWAY ROBBERY: The tickets were overpriced. The price of a tank top was just stealing.
- FAKE OUT: There were times when she was on stage when a recording did the singing for her - I mean, she wasn't even feigning to lip-synch.
- HYPOCRISY and POLITIK: As mentioned, I thought her version of "Like a Prayer" was incredible - and the screen graphics showed quotes about how to be in touch with a Higher Power, like, don't have hate in your heart and don't hold a grudge and things like that. Too bad Madonna doesn't seem to follow it. As anticipated, she started in again about Sarah Palin. Enough already. That bandwagon left a month ago. Time to get off. Plus, as well-publicized, her video that briefly showed Obama in good light and McCain/Bush as the enemy. It wasn't as bad as the media made it out to be, but it was no less obvious what her intent was. Let it go, Madge - let it go.
Overall, it was a good show but I did not leave feeling like it was the best I had ever seen. I expected more. But as she sings, "This is who I am, you can like it or not." I was left with an resounding "Eh."

Sticky & Sweet Set List
Intro/Candy Shop
Beat Goes On
Human Nature
Video Interlude - Die Another Day
Into The Groove
She’s Not Me
Video Interlude - Rain/Here Comes The Rain Again
Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You
Spanish Lesson
Miles Away
La Isla Bonita/Lela Pala TuteDoli Doli (Live interlude - Romanian folk song)
You Must Love Me
Video Interlude - Get Stupid
4 Minutes
Like A Prayer
Ray Of Light
Hung Up
Give It To Me (Finale)
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