Monday, August 25, 2008

Postal Poetry!

I have to thank Dana Guthrie Martin and her blog, My Gorgeous Somewhere, for bringing this to my attention: Postal Poetry. It's a brand-spanking new site (well, ok - it's been around for about 2 weeks, I think) that marries the art of a postcard with the art of poetry. The even cooler part is this: if you are challenged like I am in the area of visual arts, they will hook you up with an artist that will create the visual while you create the words (or vice versa) through their very own Poet-Artist Matchup Center.

Right now, it looks like their porfolio is a little thin, but I'm confident it will grow because I think this is a great idea! I'm sad to see, though, that I missed the 2008 August Postcard Poetry Fest.

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