Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tag stag

With all the excitement of Halloween, the election, NaNoWriMo and just daily life, I forgot to tell you that I was tagged on Cosmopolite Kaffeeklatsch last week. I usually don't do the tagging thing - why? I don't know, I'm wacky like that - but I guess being tagged means it's time to share 7 random things about myself to keep the chain going:

1) I went to the same elementary school that my sister, my parents, and my grandparents attended
2) I'm addicted to Twizzlers candy
3) I almost died when I was two years old from meningitis
4) I was in college when I took my first and only trip to Disney World
5) The first car that I owned, all by myself, for the first time was a Honda del sol, and it was totaled a month after I bought it
6) I'm a Leo
7) My first concert ever was to see The Cure

So, now it's time to tag 7 others:
Coming full circle...again and again
Lilly's Life
Me and the Blue Skies
Rambling Rose
Life as I know it
My Random Thoughts
Christinchen's Soapbox


Mariecel said...

Oh my... I completely forgot about twizzlers! I used to addicted to those! I'm long overdue for a visit back to Canada!

Preston said...

OMG I'm tagged again! I've already done the 7 random things tag but maybe I can come up with 7 more... and twizzlers! Who doesn't love twizzlers?

irtiza said...

hi, thanks for tagging me. i have written a post about it. you can check it out

Christinchen Royale said...

Hi! thanks for tagging me too, appreciate it. Will post an entry this Friday. cheers and happy blogging!

Bebekoh said...

Hello! thanks for the tagged... Really appreciate it! :)